Ballerinas / Soledad square

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Visions of Sugarplums

In these days before Christmas, visions of a life in Oaxaca -- my life! -- are dancing in my head. My heart is full with new friends. Everywhere my senses delight in color, sunshine, music, beautiful people, glorious artwork, delicious food. Everywhere ─ despite much suffering ─ is kindness, gratitude, celebration.

Last evening as I walked north to collect my laundry and come home to an empty apartment, I was sidetracked by some new friends ─ expats living here ─ who convinced me to walk south with them to the Museo de los Pintores Oaxaqueños (Museum of the Oaxacan Painters). Famous artists like Rufino Tamayo and Francisco Toledo are exhibited here, and last night’s opening honored an artist who makes whimsical and fantastic animals from pieces of scrap and used metal objects. If I move here, I will have to change my early-to-bed habits ─ life begins after 8:00 pm; the exhibit opened about 8:30, tamales with mole were served by 9:00; Oaxacan music and dancing followed. What fun!

My new friend, K.T., a former Manhattan-ite who bought and created a beautiful home here 4 years ago, gave me lunch today along with some frank talk about the cost of living, health care, renting apartments, buying and fixing up houses. I think it is all doable!

There is a glimmer.
Tomorrow this may change. Today my heart tells me Yes.

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